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Need Better Boutique Collective Reporting?

Do you run a store that has multiple vendors in it? Are you currently a vendor in a store with multiple vendors? This could be currently called a craft mall, collective, mercantile, marketplace, market or cooperative.

A boutique collective is one store location that has multiple vendors in it. This could be comprised of clothing boutiques, or it could include other types of products, such as home goods as well.

Boutique Collectives have started to gain popularity due the ability they offer owners to share in the fixed and variable costs of running a brick and mortar store. Most point of sale systems weren't created to work for a boutique that has multiple vendors. 

If you are a vendor in a boutique collective, there is usually a serious lack of reporting. You can't see what you have sold unless the store owner or manager runs a report for you, or you only get your sales at the end of the day. You also may have to resort to using multiple spreadsheets to keep track of your inventory at that location.

We have created a custom dashboard that solves those issues. 

With our custom dashboard, vendors are able to login to our app on their phone or desktop and see what their sales are in real time! Vendors can also view and download their inventory, top selling brands and categories within the app.

The custom dashboard was created to run in the cloud and connect with your store's point of sale system in real time.

If you are interested in learning more, email us at

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